I was flipping through one of my fave books this morning called “Turning Pro” by Steven Pressfield.
This book talks about the idea of the amateur vs. the pro and how they show up differently when it comes to work and life.
I stopped on this section and gave me a reminder deep in my bones…
Are you waiting for someone else’s permission to pursue something?
Launch something?
Try something?
Waiting for your talents to be discovered?
Sometimes the “omnipotent other” is actually ourselves — our shadow selves. Are you waiting for permission from yourself?
You have everything you need inside of you to do the damn thing. Sure, gatekeepers exist. But if you can’t go through the door, find a window.
There’s always a way, and the pro finds it.
Consider this a sign. You have full permission. Not from me, but from yourself.
Now go forth and conquer. 😀
(AKA, start your permissionLESS journey or keep pushing forward on it. You got this. )
Cheers to living PermissionLESS.
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