Hi, hello and welcome! ?? As you might have surmised, I’m Selena; the one woman show behind PermissionLESS and Action Alchemy.
Selena Vidya
Host / Producer of PermissionLESS
I lead two lives. One life consists of being a consultant and online entrepreneur, and the other is an actor/producer who absolutely loves telling stories. My ultimate goal in anything that I do is to be able to share incredible stories and viewpoints with basically anybody that will listen to me ? Just kidding. Kind of. Am I?
PermissionLESS is a place for anybody who crosses the threshold of creativity, artistry, and business. The purpose is to explore the mindset, thought process, guts, and support systems behind living boldly and making calculated risks; spending some time in the jungle along side these fearless guests exploring their journeys. It was initially dreamt up from a selfish whim; I’m completely fascinated with hearing people’s stories, and also understanding the how and why behind bold and risky moves, because it inspires and motivates me to keep on pushin’ when sometimes it feels like I don’t know what the hell is on the other side of the door I’m knocking on. As such, I created this as an excuse to not only listen to these stories first-hand, but to also share their stories with you.
There’s a specific breed of people who live and breathe outside of the norm, and they’ve moved forward in life regardless of, or in spite of, judgement, set backs, failures, etc. And trust me, I’ve had my fair share of all of these things. I’m sure you have too. I hope PermissionLESS is that little tiny spark of something that inspire you to chase that dream, take that bold move, make BIG changes, and live life to the fullest.
The people you’ll find being interviewed range from entrepreneurs, to executives, artists, activists, brand builders and more. There’s also going to be solo episodes from me and casual conversations with other guests that aren’t interview style.
I hope that you’ll join me on this PermissionLESS journey. We’re all just one step away from crossing the line into the scary excitement that’s on the other side. I’m working on this journey right along side you this daily, with a coffee in hand, trying not to trip over my own two feet.
Welcome to the community!